At Thurnby Mead we follow the ‘Kapow’ scheme of learning for Design and Technology which ensures progression of skills and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Each unit within the scheme follows the basic design principles of ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ as well as increasingly complex Technical Knowledge.
All classes undertake three DT units per year taken from one of the five key areas (Textiles, Structures, Mechanisms/Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems and Food & Nutrition) which are carefully chosen to ensure coverage and progression of skills from years 1-6. Children’s work and pictures of their progress will be stored on SeeSaw for reference and assessment. We ensure that Design and Technology is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using Design and Technology are always taken.
Subject Policies/Plans
Design and Technology Policy 2024
DT Progression of Skills 2023-2024
Subject Leader/s
Miss Whatsize
Subject Champion
Miss Patel