At Thurnby Mead Primary Academy, we are passionate about engaging children within their mathematics learning. We use the White Rose scheme to ensure that we have a well-sequenced curriculum which adheres to the 2014 national curriculum for England. All elements of maths including number, place value, calculation, FDP, measurement, geometry, statistics, ratio & proportion and algebra are taught in a range of concrete, pictoral and abstract ways to ensure our children leave us as competent and enthusiastic mathematicians.

We strive to close gaps for all children in maths to maximise academic ability, and we intend to equip children effectively for the next stage in their education.

Alongside White Rose, we also use TT Rockstars and Numbots to develop the children’s fluency within number and calculation.

Subject Leader/s

Miss Bains


Early Years using practical resources to develop the understanding of number, and the pattern and relationships between numbers.

Year one using tens frames and counters to help with addition and subtraction.

Year 2 learning to add . How to partition two 2 digit numbers and add the tens and the ones.

Year 3 using counters to  help create arrays to solve multiplication and division problems.

Year 4 examples of investigating division and  demonstrating how they can solve 76 ÷2 = ? Using various manipulatives.

Year 5 using base 10 to prove theories shared in discussion around  factors and multiple prior to investigating fractions and mixed numbers.

Year 6 using collaboration and a hundred square to find common factors and multiples.